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Application For Use Of Community Center

Policy for Community Center Use

  • The person requesting use of the facility should be a member of the community and is deemed the responsible party
  • If any other person will be assisting the Event coordinator, their names must be included in the application. 
  • The main meeting room is 600 square feet and accommodates a group of no more than 40 people. 
  • The group may not charge admission to any event.
  • There can be no alcoholic beverages, non-prescription drugs or any controlled substance (including marijuana) , no smoking, no weapons on the premises.
    • Smoking is permitted outside
  • Hours of use are 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • There is parking for no more than 4 vehicles.Please plan accordingly
  • Access to the facility is by assigned key code and cannot be shared with anyone except listed coordinators and their assistants/co-coordinators
  • Users are responsible for set-up and tear-down. Users must leave the facility in its original configuration, leave all areas clean, take all their garbage with them, turn off all of the lights, turn the thermostat down to 50º, and close any open windows.
  • Please check that all doors are locked when leaving.
  • The Event Coordinator is expected to meet any costs required to restore the Community Center to the condition in which they found it. 
  • The guest group agrees to pay The Otter Rock Water District the amount reasonably necessary to repair or replace property or equipment damaged or destroyed during the group’s use.

Please fill out the form below to request use of the Community Center.

You will be notified after the ORWD Board of Commissioners has reviewed your application. If you have questions about using the center, please contact Commissioner 4, Beth Elliker.

Application form

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